Majcoat 150
Weatherproof and permeable membrane for permanently weather proof and airtight facades
White, semi-permeable, UV-stable and weatherproof high-performance tape for overlaps and penetrations
Fentrim IS 2
Single-sided high-performance adhesive tape for perfectly sealing window and door frames in solid structures on the exterior
Fentrim F
Highly formable, semi-permeable, primer-less, and abrasion-resistant tape for window installation and other flashing conditions
Hygrobrid® vapor control layer, for all wall and ceiling application
Double-sided mounting tape as a mounting aid for vapor control layers and pannel goods.
Green single-sided high-performance adhesive tape for seam sealing and circular penetrations on the interior
Fentrim IS 20
High performance adhesive tape for airtight sealing of window frames and other right-angle connections on the interior.
High-performance primer for strengthening sandy, fibrous substrates, such as woodfiber boards, wood-based panel materials, gypsum fiber boards, plaster and stone
Majpell 5
High-performance interior vapor control layer, for wall and ceiling applications